Pituitary gland - Renew Clinic

The pituitary gland is a small, pea-sized endocrine gland located at the base of the brain whose function is to secrete hormones that regulate key physiological processes in the body. Often referred to as the "master gland", the pituitary gland controls the activity of most other endocrine glands and hence has widespread effects on growth, metabolism, reproduction, mood, and more. The pituitary gland has two main lobes - the anterior and posterior lobes - that secrete different hormones:

Diseases that affect pituitary gland function can have major effects on the body. For example, oversecretion of GH before adulthood results in gigantism or acromegaly later in life, while undersecretion of GH causes stunted growth. Similarly, oversecretion of ACTH causes Cushing's disease, which leads to elevated cortisol and symptoms like rapid weight gain, easy bruising, and muscle weakness. Undersecretion of TSH causes hypothyroidism, resulting in fatigue, weight gain, and feeling cold. Fortunately, many pituitary gland disorders today are treatable, especially with early diagnosis. Medications can treat hormone deficiencies or block excess secretion. Surgery or radiation therapy may also be options for pituitary tumors and other structural problems. If you have concerns about possible pituitary gland issues, whether growth or development problems in children or hormonal imbalances in adults, the endocrinology experts at Renew Clinic are here to help. Our comprehensive hormone testing can pinpoint pituitary dysfunction, and our physicians will work with you to find the right treatment approach for your needs.

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